Monday, April 29, 2013

... And Baby Makes Five.

A few years back my wife was starting her Blog about our family of 5 children plus us. Yes that makes SEVEN of us. But now we are EIGHT. A couple years back we added one more girl, which now make us the Brady Bunch. And yes, they all are their own unique bundle of joy and trouble.

I was now commissioned to come up with a header for her Blog. Well, commissioned may not be the right word but as I see it, payment may not be cash but other rewards come with making your wife happy. In my search of what I should do I came up with the idea that the header should reflect each of our unique personalities.

The oldest son is highly musical, loves what is now called classic rock. He also does not like to wear jeans, at least when I did this piece.

My second oldest is very much a MacGyver when it comes to making anything out of garbage. If the recycle bin suddenly disappeared you new where it went. He reminds me of ... ME. His favorite color to wear was an orange shirt and green sweats.

The youngest son was to young to do much with other than bundle him up and have the full head of hair he was born with.

The oldest daughter was walking on her toes the day she was born. She loves to dance and purple is her favorite color.

My youngest daughter was a sassy and ready to start High School. She already new the ‘Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything’ answer was 42. Wow, I should let her run everything and I could just lay back and enjoy the rest, yeah right! She was into green and would always hang onto her mother’s leg. All of our kids do.

My wife has always been a great supporter of my talents and therefore often wears a red shirt that represented our design company. I am not sure how we had a moment alone to have this many children, let alone EIGHT. But we did and we love each and every one of them for both the wonderful times they each have given us as well as the many stressful OMG, Holly Cow, What In The Hell, How in the Hell and Are You Kidding Me memorable moments. So that is why the kids surround the mother.

I am the Lucky unlucky one that has to go to work almost every day, all day long.

Someday I need to update this to include our latest kid of two but I may wait and see if another will show up.  ;)

Oh, by the way, I probably should add the family dog, cat and our two black and white rabbits.  It is quite the zoo around here.

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