Friday, May 31, 2013

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25

For many designers there is one project that they are proud being a part of. Keep Kids Alive is the one for me. Tom Everson of 4i brought this project to me looking for a design that could be posted out in public to remind drivers to drive safely in residential areas. This was over 15 years ago and it is still going strong. This design has become their leading identity for them.

It was stated in the 2011 annual report, KKAD25 has worked with and through over 400 law enforcement agencies, as well as hundreds of neighborhood and civic organizations, schools, public works and neighborhood services, and businesses in over 1,300 communities representing 49 states, 2 Canadian Provinces, the Bahamas, Australia, and India. Our mission and message resonate with traffic safety advocates and educators across the globe.

A few years later I also designed two other projects with them, 'No Need To Speed' and 'Stop Means Stop.'

Please visit Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 and see how you can help them with their positive mission. 

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