Tuesday, April 9, 2013

CMS Fundamentals Training Complete

Michael Cottrell Certificate of Completion for CMS Fundamentals
Click Here to View and Verify My Certificate at Lynda.com
Finished my training on CMS Fundamentals. I have been seeing some job posts out there that are asking for CMS (Content Management System) knowledge and thought I should check into it. Come to find out that I have been using CMS systems for years. I use it daily for the online classroom system (E-companion), for my blog (Blogger, Wordpress), for some past websites, some e-commerce carts (Zen cart) and social networking.

For some of you out whom are shying away from these jobs, think again, you just might me more familiar to CMS than you ever thought. While setting up a CMS from scratch (Drupel, Joomla) may not be for the technology disabled, setting up a blog is not such a big stretch. Look, most of you are already using some form of a CMS (loosely FACEBOOK, MYSPACE) and the core CMS is already setup in a blogging system. Doing a blog gives you the opportunity to learn more by modifying existing templates or dig-in by building you own template from the ground up. Play and grow your knowledge.

On Lynda.com, training course CMS Fundamentals, James Williamson defines content management systems (CMSs) and explains their role in web site development. The course demonstrates the different CMS solutions available today, including WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla; reviews CMS terminology and best practices; and shows how to develop a content management strategy. Guidelines are also included for evaluating a potential CMS, whether hosted or self-hosted, open source or proprietary, and choosing a CMS based on a specific need or focus.
Topics include:
  • Defining and understanding a CMS
  • Understanding taxonomy
  • Assessing an organization or company's needs
  • Comparing content management systems
  • Planning a content strategy
  • Controlling content lifecycle
  • Migrating between CMSs
  • Understanding users, groups, and permissions
  • Using web analytics
Lynda.com has a large train library on different CMS systems, check them out. Lynda does not pay me to post these. I have been using Lynda.com for years and has helped a great deal in skills and knowledge. Besides, I enjoy learning and watching their professional videos are a great way to do it.

Click Here to View and Verify My CMS Fundamentals Certificate of Completion at Lynda.com

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post!
    The knowledge of CMS in necessary for the website development to make the website dynamic, attractive and updated. The information on CMS fundamentals is very informative. Thanks for sharing this.
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